A dental bridge is a porcelain treatment option that is used to replace a missing tooth. Anchored between two dental crowns, a dental bridge is exactly what the name implies – a bridge crossing a gap in your teeth. It is a fixed dental restoration that typically lasts for many years, as long as you’re taking care of your teeth properly.
At Midlothian Dental Arts, our dentists take great pride in creating natural, long-lasting dental bridges that will improve the look and function of your smile. It typically requires two visits to our office to complete the dental bridge procedure.
Dr. Stafford of Midlothian Dental Arts has years of experience helping patients enjoy dental bridges.
Schedule an appointment today to see whether a custom dental bridge will be the right solution for you.
Dr. Stafford and his entire team at Midlothian Dental Arts are devoted to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile at every stage of life. Enjoy comprehensive dental services in Midlothian, VA to meet your dental needs and ensure your comfort.
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Midlothian Dental Arts
151 Le Gordon Dr # 100
Midlothian, VA 23114
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